Three ways to dry wild mushrooms
If you haven't tried it or think it's difficult, then it's not at all! Try it – and see for yourself.
You can use almost all types of mushrooms for drying, but white, chanterelle, butter mushrooms, and honey agarics are especially tasty. If the mushrooms are small, they are dried whole, and if large, they are cut into plates. You can dry them outside, if the weather permits. You can do it in the oven or in an electric dryer.
If you choose to dry outdoors, string the mushrooms on a strong thread and hang them in a draft, but not in direct sunlight. In this case, drying will take 5-7 days.
If it is humid outside, a regular oven will come to the rescue. Place the sliced mushrooms on a baking sheet and turn on the oven at 80-90 degrees in convection mode, or simply open the door periodically and change the baking sheets. This will take 5-6 hours.
The easiest way is to dry them in a dryer at a temperature of 50 degrees. The mushrooms will be ready in 10-12 hours (depending on their size).
You can store dried mushrooms in glass jars, paper bags, in bundles in the attic or balcony.
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