Three zodiac signs take everything close to the heart: they remember every bad word
According to astrologers, the three zodiac signs are the most receptive to another's opinion – cancer, scorpion and fish. They need the support of loved ones to cope with emotions, especially when everything is not going to be planned in life. Moreover, the natives of the sign will try to hide, which became the true cause of the insult, and will avoid the person who has affected their feelings. They exaggerate events and are able to turn any little thing into a drama. When natives of the sign feel for a long time that they are not understood or appreciated, they begin to analyze every step. Sharp words and criticism deprive their self -confidence and do not stop thinking about what is not done. Scorpio takes everything close to the heart and remembers those who have turned away from him. They tend to be distrustful, suspicious and cautious in contacts. Natives of the sign accept failures, conflicts and criticism close to the heart and tend to consider themselves a victim. Fish can play on the feelings of loved ones and often relentless, though not looking for revenge.
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