To avoid bringing trouble into the house: 5 things you shouldn't throw away before the New Year
If you have taken up general cleaning before the winter holidays, you may be tempted to throw away old things that are no longer needed at home. However, some of them are worth waiting until the end of winter.
Holiday decorations
Every year, when you look through the box of decorations, you suddenly realize that some of them have already broken or simply become irrelevant. You may not hang these decorations on the Christmas tree, but you shouldn't throw them away right away.
Folk omens indicate that this action can destroy the positive energy of the house, so it is better to wait until you remove the Christmas tree and only then get rid of unnecessary decorations.
Favorite clothes
Sometimes your favorite clothes become so worn that the only thing left to do with them is to throw them away. However, doing this during the winter holidays is not recommended, because clothes, especially those that you often wear, retain energy and memories. And if you throw them away right now, it can deprive the house of positive energy.
Travel souvenirs
These things, of course, also bring pleasant memories and impressions of new places. And even if you think that a souvenir does not fit into your interior, you should not throw it away – it is better to hide it. Esotericists also believe that throwing away souvenirs can lead to a loss of connection with adventures and a decrease in inner wealth.
Throwing away works of art in winter, during the holidays, is strictly prohibited: this can supposedly lead to a creative crisis during the next year. By the way, you should not just give them to friends either. It will be much better to sell paintings or figurines that you no longer like for a symbolic amount. This way you can avoid potential negative consequences.
Throwing dishes out of the house on New Year's Eve is a very bad omen. It would be much better to wait until the end of winter. It is believed that of all kitchen utensils, dishes carry the most energy – both positive and negative.
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