Today is Holy Tuesday – the second day of Holy Week
On Holy Tuesday, there is a service, including the Liturgy of the Preconsecrated Gifts, which is almost no different from the regular services of Pentecost.
The traditions of Holy Tuesday are the same as those of Monday and Wednesday. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is performed, during which the faithful receive Holy Communion with the Holy Gifts consecrated in advance.
On Tuesday night, Jesus Christ also spent in Bethany, and on Tuesday morning he again came to the Jerusalem temple and taught a lot in the temple and outside the temple. (Mt. 24, 1). The high priests and elders, hearing His parables and understanding what He was saying about them, tried to seize Him and kill Him. But they could not attack Him openly, because they were afraid of the people who respected Him as a prophet (Mt. 21:46), were in awe of His teachings (Mk. 11:18), and listened to Him with pleasure (Mk. 12:37) .
From the Gospel instructions pronounced by Jesus Christ on Tuesday, the Church chose the parable of the ten virgins for the instruction of the believers on this day, as it is especially appropriate for the time of Holy Week, which should be prayed the most.
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