Tomatoes can protect against stomach cancer
Tomatoes are not just a tasty and healthy vegetable available to every Ukrainian . It turns out that they are able to suppress the growth of stomach tumors.
The study showed that tomato extract suppresses the development and reproduction of stomach cancer cells – this opens a new way to develop means of treatment for the insidious disease. The authors of the study studied whole tomato extracts.
Italian scientists proved that the antitumor effect of tomatoes is probably not related to any individual components such as lycopene. Tomatoes affect human health in general. After analyzing the extracts for their ability to fight stomach cancer cells, the scientists found that tomatoes of a certain variety could probably inhibit the growth and spread of malignant cells, i.e. the cancer's ability to metastasize.
The treatment stopped the cell cycle due to regulation of retinoblastoma family proteins and certain cell cycle inhibitors. Ultimately, this caused the cancer cells to die through a process called apoptosis. In the future, scientists must determine the potential of using certain nutrients not only for prevention, but also as a supportive strategy for cancer treatment.
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