Tomatoes may help prevent prostate cancer
According to some cancer experts prostate, men should include certain foods in their diet that help maintain good prostate health.
Prostate (prostate) cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. According to some experts, proper nutrition can help reduce the risk of developing this disease. In an interview with the publication, several prostate cancer specialists told which foods can help improve men's health.
In particular, tomatoes can be useful for preventing prostate cancer.
Benefits tomatoes for men, says GP Dr Paul Ettinger.
“Tomatoes and the lycopene found in the skin of tomatoes act as an antioxidant and can be useful for the prevention of prostate cancer”.
Experts recommend using cooked tomato products at least twice a week. According to them, cooking tomatoes in a small amount of oil increases the absorption of lycopene compared to raw tomatoes or tomato juice.
Other foods against prostate cancer. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle in men is associated with a 45 percent reduction in the risk of developing a fatal form of the disease. This is according to a recent study conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital and published in the journal European Urology. Scientists state that pomegranates, cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli, legumes can potentially reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
In general, it is important for men not to be overweight or obese – these factors increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.< /p>
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