Too salty: four cheeses that can lead to high blood pressure
When talking about the four types of cheese that should be eaten only in moderation, doctors compare their salt content with sea water.
People's eating habits are closely related to their tendency to high blood pressure, hypertension, and therefore require control . According to the British Heart Foundation (BHF), four types of cheese should be consumed strictly in moderation due to their high salt content.
“Watching salt intake is very important as it raises blood pressure. Some products contain a large amount of salt, so you need to be more careful with them”.
Experts of the Foundation believe that cheese should not be completely excluded from the diet, but if a person has high cholesterol or high blood pressure, there is this product, which is distinguished by a high content of salt and fat, you need it carefully, only in very small portions. The BHF states that “some types of Roquefort, halloumi, feta and cheese braids are “saltier than sea water”.
Doctors remind us that a diet with a high salt content disrupts the body's natural sodium balance, which forces the body to retain water – this increases the blood pressure on the vessel walls. Adults should eat no more than 6 grams of salt per day (one teaspoon), people with high blood pressure should eat half as much.
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