Top 5 fruits that can be eaten with stones
We prefer fruits without bones – because it is more convenient to enjoy the taste. However, there are fruits whose pits contain many vitamins. Let's learn more about this benefit.
Watermelon seeds
Watermelon seeds are a real source of vitamins, fiber and protein. Also, the high content of zinc and magnesium contributes to the general improvement of the human condition.
The high content of arginine in watermelon seeds helps muscles grow, pectin removes harmful substances (even radioactive!), and plant fibers normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleaning it of toxins and impurities.
And one more interesting fact – scientists have proven , that watermelon seeds, when chewed, can lower blood sugar levels.
Melon seeds
In raw form, these seeds can bring us many benefits – vitamin A, phosphorus, potassium and white. However, it is important to chew melon seeds or you risk an upset stomach.
Grape seeds
Most of us prefer seedless grapes. And for nothing! Grape seeds contain vitamin E and linoleic acid – they can strengthen the walls of the heart and blood vessels. Grape seeds are so unique in their composition that they are even used in the fight against cancer.
Kiwi seeds
There is hardly anyone among us who actually removes the seeds from kiwi while eating. However, it is important to know how useful this fruit is. The main “vitamin” advantage of kiwi seeds is omega-3 and fatty acids. If you struggle with skin inflammation, kiwi is your first helper.
Pomegranate seeds
Pomegranate is another product whose properties are used in the fight against cancer. If you chew a pomegranate seed for a long time, it tastes like a good aged Burgundian pinot noir.
Pomegranate seeds contain a substance that strengthens the stomach, there are vitamin B that improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamins A and E and a whole list. useful substances: iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, fatty acids, iodine, tannins and others.
Eat pomegranate together with seeds – it will bring much more benefit to your body. In addition, no one has yet canceled the prevention of anemia, because pomegranate is simply irreplaceable in this case.
For the most part, the same rules apply when using stones and seeds. This is a rather ambiguous product, which, like any nut, can bring not only benefit, but also harm, so it is important to know the measure. 2 grams per meal will be enough.
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