Top dressing for cucumbers, recommended by experienced gardeners
At any pharmacy you can buy 2 drugs that stimulate the growth of cucumbers well, protect them from many diseases and fill them with various benefits.
We are talking about some of the simplest remedies – brilliant green and iodine, which are antiseptics. And iodine is part of the soil and often the earth experiences a deficiency of this trace element.
To prevent root rot, summer residents prepare the following solution: in 10 liters of water, stir 10 drops of brilliant green or iodine and pour 1 liter under each bush.
You can wipe the stems at the base of cucumbers with the same solution. This treatment allows you to forget about rot on the fruits.
Another enemy of cucumbers is powdery mildew. To combat this disease, cucumbers are watered with this solution: fill a bucket with hay, pour water, let it infuse for several days, then strain and add 10 drops of brilliant green or iodine.
Once a week for a month, water the cucumbers with such a solution so that there is no powdery mildew and the yield increases.
Among other popular folk remedies for achieving a rich harvest is feeding with yeast infusion. Namely:
- A 100-gram pack of yeast (raw) is left in a 10-liter volume of water;
- then the mixture should be infused for an hour or two;
- feed each plant with a glass of such a nutrient mixture.
A mixture infused using ash and nettle has also proven itself well: fill a third of the bucket with nettle, pour half a liter of ash and pour water. After 4-6 days, water the solution, using a liter of the resulting liquid per bush.
For preventive purposes, the crop is sprayed once every 12-15 days with the following solution: pour skim milk (1 liter) into a 10-liter container of water with 15-20 drops of iodine added there. A weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used.
Following these simple tips, proven over the years, will allow you to harvest a rich and high-quality harvest, which is so pleasing to the owners.
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