Traditions of Lent in Ukraine. When the funeral days and what to carry to church
In 2025, March 15, March 15, and 29. Memorial in Easter is considered to be the second, third and fourth Saturdays. When the bread was baked on Saturday, the first bread that was removed from the oven was broken even hot so it would go steam and put on a towel on a table or window sill. “
Our ancestors believed that the spirits of ancestors feed on a couple of hot dishes. According to customs, on Friday evening it was forbidden to eat garlic so as not to scare away the spirits. And from all the hot dishes that were removed from the oven, they removed the top – for the “souls. There are several commemorative Saturdays during the year. These include:
- Meat Saturday;
- Second, Third and Fourth Saturday Lent;
- Saturday before the Trinity;Dmitry Saturday.
In Christian customs, prayer for the dead is very important. According to religious beliefs, the souls of the dead can no longer atone for their sins, and only the prayer of relatives can ease their fate after death.
why and when they bring sugar and when to church
traditionally bring bread to a funeral and a lot. These traditions combine Christian customs and folk rites.When it is a kutia made from cereals and sweet grasses with honey or sugar. The name “oscillation” comes from the ancient Greek κόλλυβον and means “boiled wheat”. It is a traditional funeral dish in the Slavs. A very similar recipe is prepared by a variety (kutia) for Christmas, as this holiday is also associated with honoring the dead.
Bringing to church is a very long tradition, it is associated with pagan beliefs. The ancient Slavs were preparing an interpretation as a funeral dish and ate it “in a circle” – all participants of the commemoration in turn. The sweet dish symbolizes eternal life.
subsequently displaced sugar – it is a more affordable and practical product. It is recruited in banks that put commemorative candles, and bring to a funeral service in the Great Lent.
what is a memorial service and why it is needed
traditionally praying for the dead in Christianity is accompanied by a memorial service. A memorial service is a special funeral service. And the commemoration of the Great Fast is considered the strongest and should provide the deceased relatives of the Kingdom of Heaven. The priest reads recorded names on a memorial service and asks God to give the souls of the dead kingdom of heaven. This food is transmitted to the needy or can also be consumed by church officials. Namely, the forty -day Easter fasting is carried by sugar because it is stored for a long time.
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