Treatment of apple trees with urea in autumn: reasons and dosage of the product
With the onset of autumn, the processing period begins garden trees It is necessary to spray against pests, and in some cases for treatment.
Is it possible to skip autumn processing? It is strongly not recommended to do this. Although the pests reduce their activity, they remain and pose a danger. They hide for the winter in the bark, cracks, growths. With the onset of spring heat, their activity will be twice as strong, so it will be even more difficult to save the tree.
Treatment with urea
In autumn, treatment of apple trees and fruit trees can be carried out using urea. Or it is called urea. The product must be dissolved in water at a concentration of 500 g per 10 liters of water.
This treatment is recommended to be carried out after shedding leaves, when the tree has gone into a state of rest. This falls on the end of October and November. To enhance the effect, you can add 50 g of copper sulfate to the solution.
Before processing the crown, branches, trunk, you need to clean moss and lichen from the tree, if any. They are potentially dangerous. In addition to the fact that pests like to hide in them, over time the tree will become unsustainable and wither.
The soil around the tree should also be treated with urea in a high concentration. First, you need to dig up the soil in the stem circle, and then carry out processing.
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