Trichologist named the main causes of gray hair at an early age

A trichologist named the main causes of gray hair at an early age. According to the specialist, these changes usually occur either against the background of prolonged stress or due to a genetic predisposition.

If gray hair begins to appear after the age of 50, this can be considered a natural process. It is associated with a weakening of the function of melanocytes, which produce melanin, which provides hair with color. In this case, gray hair can appear much earlier.

If the hair acquires a different shade, this may indicate a genetic predisposition or be a consequence of chronic stress. During nervous tension, more adrenaline enters the blood.

It disrupts the connection of the high-molecular pigment melanin with the protein structure of the curl. As a result, the pigment disappears. At the same time, vascular spasm against the background of stress destroys the blood microcirculation around the hair follicle and often provokes the death of melanocytes.

Early graying can also be provoked by other factors. These include digestive diseases, poor nutrition, diseases of the hormonal system, metabolic disorders, lack of protein products, chronic infections, deficiency of useful vitamins and trace elements. Oncology, poor ecology, autoimmune diseases, smoking, alcohol and UV radiation should also not be ruled out.

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Author: alex

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