True or False: The Best Way to Know If You're Being Defrauded

Scientists have discovered that there is an effective way to determine whether a person is lying or not. This is reported by, citing a new study by a group of legal psychology experts from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

It is noted that the group of researchers studied the opinions of 50 experts on detecting deception and came to the conclusion that it is necessary to check the facts, ask questions and listen very carefully to what people say.

“The researchers sought to determine not only which deception detection methods experts prefer, but also which of them the research prefers. Equally important, they wanted to find out what does not work,” the publication emphasizes.

For example, they learned that observing a person’s body language will help you determine whether a person is lying only if the potential liar is someone you know well. If you are dealing with a stranger, observing body language will not help you distinguish the truth from a lie. This can actually make the task more difficult.

Researchers recommend focusing all your attention on what the person is actually saying.

“There are no reliable nonverbal signals, but there are reliable verbal signals,” said Per-Anders Grönhag, a professor of psychology at the University of Gothenburg and one of the study’s authors.

Most experts agreed that liars provide fewer details than truthful people.

Another way to try to determine if someone is telling the truth is to check the facts they’ve stated. Researchers suggest that trying to confirm or deny what they’ve told you is a better use of your time than studying body language.

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Author: alex

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