True or myth: is it possible to lose 10 kilograms quickly?
The authors of many popular diets assure that it is quite possible to lose 10 kilograms quickly.
So, is it possible to lose 10 kilograms without much effort and harm to health, we tell you.
The nutritionist explains that the principle of getting rid of excess weight is the same and it does not matter whether a person wants to get rid of 2-3 kilograms or ten at once.
– In order for weight loss to be effective and the weight not to return after a while, it is important to consume fewer calories than you spend per day. This will lead to the fact that the body will begin to use up its reserves and the weight will begin to go away. But it is important to eat at least 800 calories per day, – explains the nutritionist. – Otherwise, serious health problems will arise.
According to the specialist, for effective weight loss, it is important to introduce daily workouts. Let them not be power and heavy, but intensive. It is important to understand that with a normal diet and exercise regimen, you will lose 1-1.5 kg per week. This is considered a normal and healthy result. This will allow the body to rebuild, metabolism to accelerate, and the skin to have time to tighten.
In losing weight, it is important to review your menu. Let sugar, harmful fats, refined grains, starchy potatoes and alcohol go from your diet. Instead, oatmeal, chicken breast, lean fish, seafood, broccoli, asparagus beans, greens, vegetables, cheese, low-fat yogurt, a handful of nuts and one fruit should appear on your plates.
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