Two main factors of longevity have been discovered by scientists
Today, more and more people in developed countries live to a very old age. Although current scientific knowledge about the causes and conditions of longevity is limited, many experts agree that life expectancy is influenced by biological, environmental and psychosocial factors.
For example, during a large study, the results of which were published in the “British Medical Journal”, scientists found that life expectancy among adults over 75 depends on two habits. The researchers observed the volunteers for 18 years.
During the experiment, 1,661 (91.8%) participants died, and half of the volunteers lived longer than 90 years. As a result, it was established that 50% of smokers died a year earlier than non-smokers. Of all leisure activities, physical activity was most associated with longevity. Specifically, at the time of death, the average age of participants who regularly swam, walked or exercised was two years longer than those who did not.
“The average life expectancy of people with a low risk profile ( healthy lifestyle, participation in at least one leisure activity, and high or moderate social activity) was 5.4 years longer than those with a high risk profile (unhealthy behaviors, no participation in leisure activities, and limited or low social activity).” – the scientists said.
According to them, even among the oldest volunteers (85 years and older) and people with chronic diseases, the median age at the time of death was four years longer if they were part of the low-profile group risk.
In conclusion, the scientists added that quitting smoking and an active lifestyle even after 75 years have a positive effect on longevity. In particular, life expectancy for women increases by five years, and for men – by six. A similar connection, although weaker, was also present in the group of elderly people (≥85 years) and in people with chronic diseases.
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