Two popular foods that can trigger hemorrhoids

As told by a coloproctologist, wine and garlic (and in general products with a bright pronounced taste) can provoke hemorrhoids. According to him, 70% of people have encountered this problem at least once.

– Other reasons can be a violation of vein tone, repeated childbirth, lifting heavy objects provokes blood flow to the pelvic organs, stool disorders, sedentary work , – noted the coloproctologist.

It is very important not to start the disease, which, among other things, can lead to blood loss and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin.

– It is important to change the rhythm of life. Engage in physical activity, walk, normalize the diet, consume a large amount of water and fermented milk products. Regularly eat figs, dried apricots, prunes, and beets, the doctor emphasized.

Hemorrhoids are painfully enlarged venous nodes near the anus. If it occurs outside of the anus, doctors talk about external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum from the veins located under its mucous membrane.

The main cause of hemorrhoids is a genetic defect that causes congenital weakness of the walls of venous vessels. In this case, we can say that a person has a predisposition to this disease.

However, the development of signs of pathology requires the influence of additional factors. It can be an irrational diet, the irritating effect of spicy and salty food, bad habits (alcohol, smoking, reading on the toilet), chronic cough, obesity of the “male” type (“beer” belly), “sedentary” work and a sedentary lifestyle in as a whole.

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Author: alex

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