Two popular types of food slow down the metabolism and make you gain weight

If you have a sluggish metabolism, you gain weight faster, and some foods make this problem worse.

Metabolism is the sum of all chemical processes in the body, including, for example, the maintenance of important functions (heart rate, thermoregulation), energy production, or the accumulation and maintenance of muscle mass. If you have an active or fast metabolism, you burn calories quickly and therefore have a better chance of maintaining a slim, toned figure. But if the metabolism is slowed down, then the conversion of food calories into energy is less efficient and a person, as a rule, becomes prone to rapid weight gain.

Experts state that there are at least two popular types of products that can slow down the metabolism and make them fat.

White flour. It is a product of a high degree of processing: during its manufacture, wheat is deprived of all nutrients, such as dietary fiber or antioxidants. The final product of this process – flour – contains extremely low amounts of nutrients. Digestion of such a product occurs very quickly, the body does not receive the necessary digestive load, which does not allow the metabolism to be active.

Omega-6 – fatty acids. It is known that there are useful omega fatty acids -3: they have a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels. However, it is different with the similar-sounding omega-6 fatty acids. This type of fatty acids is found in large quantities in products of animal origin, such as sausage and meat, as well as in baked goods and sweets. Doctors warn: excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids promotes inflammation in the body, makes you gain weight, contributes to insulin resistance, increasing the tendency to type 2 diabetes.

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Author: alex

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