Two products that help restore the stomach lining

As the endocrinologist said, there are products that are able to restore the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach.

Yes, jelly and rice broth envelop the walls of the stomach, the irritated mucosa is restored . According to the doctor, the most useful dessert is a baked apple, which contains a lot of pectin. A fresh apple, even a grated one, can irritate a sick stomach.

In the period of exacerbation, spices, fried, vinegar and raw vegetables containing coarse fiber should be excluded from the diet. It should be remembered that poorly chewed food can damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the stomach, which leads to dysfunction of this organ. Now it can be called the disease of the century: it affects both adults and children.

Gastritis can be harbingers of cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.

The main cause of gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacterpylori, which is detected in 85% of registered cases. Also, the disease is often caused by an incorrect diet.

Earlier, oncologist and surgeon Ivan Karasyov said on Instagram that patients are increasingly faced with damage to the esophagus, which is associated with the influence of microscopic yeast-like fungi (candidal esophagitis ). The main symptoms are pain when swallowing, feeling of a lump in the throat, nausea. There may also be stool disorder, decreased appetite and sudden weight loss.

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Author: alex

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