Two prohibitions on March 14 that in no way can be violated: signs of this day


March 14, the church is honored. 

he founded the first monastery in Subiaco, in which he established a rule based on a balance between prayer, work, training and rest. Soon, Benedict founded several more monasteries. His students spread throughout Europe. It is believed that it will bring health and happiness to the family.

  • you need to pray this day. The saints have asked for well -being and protection.
  • this day should start preparing for sowing. You cannot quarrel on March 14. It is believed that quarrels will lead to misery and failure in the future.

    2. It is not possible to carry out heavy field work on March 14. This can lead to a bad harvest.

    Signs on March 14

    • If the clouds float this day, then the weather will be good.
    • If this day is fog, then summer will be bad. dry.
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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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