Type 2 diabetes: eating at certain times of the day can increase the risk of the disease

A new study has revealed the reason night shift workers are at greater risk of developing diabetes. A study found that eating at night lowered blood sugar levels, while people who ate during the day were not affected.

Researchers believe that changing the way you eat can reduce your risk of developing diabetes and related conditions. with it diseases in night shift workers.

The study can also be applied to people who eat at night for other reasons. Over a 14-day period, they tested people working in a simulated night shift environment, but divided them into groups who ate at night and during the day.

The study found that diabetes markers increased when eating at night. Eating the same food during the day before or after work during the night shift did not have the same negative consequences. “Trying to stick to a daytime diet while working the night shift can be a challenge, but it appears to improve your health as a result,” said Sarah Chellappa, first author of the study.

Previous research on working in night shift found a higher risk of conditions related to blood sugar, such as diabetes and pre-diabetes.

This increased risk cannot be fully explained by other factors, such as differences in the lifestyles of day and night workers changes Researchers suggest that this could be due to disruption of the body's internal timing mechanisms.

Night shift work is also associated with an increased risk of cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an agency of the WHO, has classified night shift work as “probably carcinogenic to humans”.

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Author: alex

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