Unexpected benefits of apples: how they can affect the brain and other organs?

Unexpected benefits of apples for the brain were discovered by researchers – it turned out that the fruit promotes reducing the risk of his diseases.

According to the data, apples contain substances that activate neurogenesis – the process of formation of new neurons, cells that improve the ability to learn and the quality of memory. Thanks to this, human protection against cognitive decline and dementia improves.

“The phytonutrients of apples, resveratrol and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), can have a positive effect on various organs, including the brain,” the researchers state.< /p>

Talking about how apples can affect various aspects of health, scientific experts listed a number of their unexpectedly useful properties.

Keeps the heart healthy. Apples help reduce high blood pressure, the level of bad cholesterol in the body. This property is explained by the presence of soluble fiber.

Helps to control the blood sugar level. The high fiber content in apples helps to control the process of splitting blood sugar, avoiding its sharp fluctuations. But you should use not very sweet varieties.

Improve the immune response. Apples are rich in various antioxidants that help improve the immune response and thus reduce the risk of various diseases. Antioxidant substances are known for their ability to reduce oxidative stress in the body, which contributes to general physical degeneration and diseases.

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Author: alex

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