Unobvious foods that are guaranteed to cause swelling
It is known that salty foods and alcohol provoke swelling, especially if you consume both. However, there are other, at first glance, harmless products that retain water in the tissues.
According to the urologist, if the product contains osmotically active substances, that is, those that attract water, edema cannot be avoided. If the concentration of these substances is increased (in plasma, intercellular fluid or cells), then these tissues are “attracted” to water — to dilute the concentration.
Which products should be removed or reduced to a minimum to avoid edema. First of all, we are talking about:
- Herring, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut
- Various types of salted fish prepared using a large amount of salt.
- Homemade canned food prepared using marinades. These include pickled and salted tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, and various types of twists.
- Sauces and dressings (ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce, mustard — they contain a lot of salt and sugar).
Swelling is not only caused by salt — this is important to remember. Interestingly, swelling caused by salt is quite easy to get rid of.
There are especially many osmotically active substances in store-bought products. They contain “food chemistry” that promotes fluid retention. For example, bread and rolls.
— In different types of bread and pastries, many different components can be distinguished, which can lead to different shifts in metabolism. An increase in the level of sodium or glucose in the tissues of some other ions can contribute to fluid retention. If you eat white bread, buttery rolls in the evening, then in the morning you may notice slight swelling of the hands or feet or an increase of 1-2 kg in weight. If these are store-bought products, they often contain a lot of hidden salt, sugar and other components, the doctor noted.
Dairy products, including healthy kefir and yogurt, can lead to fluid retention in the tissues and body puffiness due to the content of phosphates, calcium, lactic acid and other components in them.
— By the way, the habit of drinking a glass of kefir at night can sometimes lead to an unpleasant morning symptom – mild swelling, — the specialist emphasized.
Sweet fruits can lead not only to extra pounds, but also to fluid retention in the tissues.
According to the urologist, it is much easier to eliminate fluid retention due to salt – just stop eating salty foods and drink more water. But swelling due to sweets is more difficult to eliminate. The fact is that part of the glucose goes into fat cells, between which water is locked more reliably than in other parts of the body.
Potatoes can provoke swelling because they contain a large amount of starch, which breaks down into simple sugars, and they perfectly attract water.
Various sugar substitutes also have high osmotic activity. Therefore, they can provoke swelling in the tissues, because they attract water.
Foods that reduce swelling:
- Watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe
- Celery
- Beans
- Green apples
- Oats
- Honey.
You can determine if there is swelling as follows: press your fingers on the shin bone. If a finger mark remains, this is a sign that the legs are swollen. But swelling can be hidden. Doctors can diagnose them by regularly weighing themselves, measuring blood pressure, and monitoring urine analysis.
Causes of edema and fluid retention in the body:
- Improper diet.
- Excessive drinking, when fluid intake exceeds excretion.
- A sedentary lifestyle.
- Taking certain medications.
- The habit of crossing one leg over the other and anything that leads to impaired blood circulation in the legs.
- Pregnancy.
- Premenstrual syndrome.
- Diseases of the kidneys, circulatory and digestive systems, metabolic disorders.
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