Until death: scientists have named the main danger of eggs
American scientists have stated the danger of frequent consumption of eggs. Three eggs a day, in their opinion, is a threat to the health of the cardiovascular system.
Arguments of experts from the USA, representing the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Scientists note that eggs as such are a useful food product. They are distinguished by an optimal balance of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. The composition of the egg contains choline, biotin, folic acid, selenium and lutein, which regulate the nervous system, and are powerful antioxidants. Iron in the yolk and protein is in organic form, and therefore is easily absorbed by the body.
Carotenoids contained in eggs prevent age-related vision loss, including cataracts, and egg white is superior in its properties to fish or meat.
But, although you should not give up eating eggs, you need to know the measure in their use, stated scientists from the USA. They found that daily consumption of each additional 300 milligrams of cholesterol increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 17% and the risk of premature death by 18%. This was shown by a study involving more than 30,000 people, whom doctors monitored for 31 years.
Experts urged not to eat eggs often – one large egg, they said, contains up to 200 milligrams of cholesterol.
“I recommend that people give up daily omelets with three eggs. Moderation and balance are important in nutrition,” said study co-author Catherine Tooker.
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