Unusual properties of green peas are named
A 50-year-old housewife from Japan named Harumekuko shared her experience of a deli with Yahoo News Japan.
In particular, she talked about green peas.
“I always have them on hand, I often use them for cooking,” she explained. “But no one in my family likes them. Even my son told me that peas have no nutrients, so eating them is simply pointless.
But in addition to starch, carbohydrates, and protein, peas contain potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6, as well as pantothenic acid, beta-carotene, niacin, and dietary fiber.
– Peas are especially useful for constipation, what's not a useful property? – the woman continues.
Experts have reported more than once that soluble fiber in peas reduces the risk of developing many diseases associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. It inhibits the increase in glucose levels and removes cholesterol from the large intestine.
Despite the fact that green peas are available all year round, they are also great in canned form.
They have a wonderful aroma and sweet taste. That's why they simply need to be included in your diet.
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