Unusual side effects were found in the tea

When it comes to health, tea can work wonders. It has been proven that daily consumption of the drink has a beneficial effect not only on general well-being, but also has long-term effects, including protection against inflammation and strengthening of immunity.

Support of immune function

According to Penn Medicine, tea, whether black or green, is good for the immune system. All of this is due to the same polyphenols that can not only reduce the symptoms of chronic diseases, but also prevent them.

Blood sugar control

Low the level of sugar in the body plays a key role in the general state of health. By supporting it through proper nutrition, you can get rid of excess cholesterol. According to research published by Molecules, the plants that make some teas contain compounds that help reduce inflammation and lower glucose levels.

Weight Management

Although replacing any sugary drink with tea or black coffee can be an easy way to cut calories, there are certain types of tea that can help you lose weight. In particular, green tea has this effect. According to Physiology & Behavior, the drink increases energy expenditure and accelerates fat oxidation thanks to a large amount of antioxidants.

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Author: alex

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