Urologists have listed foods that promote kidney health

The kidneys are an important paired organ that plays one of the key roles in maintaining healthy body functions by filtering toxins. Some foods are able to strengthen their health, as told by urologists.

Cauliflower is considered useful for the kidneys, as it is rich in vitamin C and folic acid. In addition, the vegetable contains a lot of fiber, which helps to reduce the level of sugar in the blood.

Carrots also have a good effect on the body, as they contain beta-carotene and help normalize blood pressure. With high blood sugar and hypertension, the risk of kidney dysfunction is higher.

You can also use apples to improve the health of the organ. The latter provide protection due to the presence of pectin. The mentioned substance acts as a natural absorbent, it helps bind toxins and remove them from the body.

Onions should also be included in your diet regularly, as they slow down the development of diseases. The vegetable contains prostaglandin, which prevents blood viscosity, which is good for blood pressure. Garlic is rich in antioxidants that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

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Author: alex

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