Useful habits: how to start the day productively

The morning sets the tone for the whole day. Therefore, do not waste it on hasty and chaotic meetings or mindlessly scrolling through social networks. Some habits can be turned into pleasant rituals that will help you spend the morning with benefit and love this time of the day.


A few years ago, in the post-Soviet space, meditation was considered something far away “from foreign movies”. However, now relaxing practices are becoming increasingly popular in Ukraine as well. It is difficult for many to just sit in silence, doing nothing, so simple concentration practices will help to become more aware in the present moment.

Take a deep breath and note five things you see: for example, a book, a lamp, a cup, a flower, a candle. Next, note four things you feel: the pillow behind your back, the hair on your neck, your hands on the armrest, the warmth of the cup with the drink. Think of three sources of sound that you hear: the chirping of birds, the hum of the highway, the steady hum of the refrigerator. Mark two smells: the aroma of hair shampoo, the smell of an aroma candle. And think of one taste that you feel. It can be just a taste in your mouth, even if you don't drink or eat anything. Realize it.

Don't turn on the TV

Simple meditative exercises will help you concentrate on the moment and not scatter your thoughts immediately. Watching TV in the morning, on the contrary, interferes with concentration. If you watch the morning news, then the day will most likely start with stress. It has become a habit Watching television can be replaced by listening to calm music. It is also not recommended to use a smartphone – you can turn the tape and read the message after breakfast.

Drink water

A glass of water in the morning will help restore the water balance after sleep, it is reported on the Go minimalism website. If you don't like plain water, you can add cucumbers, berries, lime or slices of lemon to add flavor and smell.

Do not refuse a full breakfast

The day should start with nutritious food. Do not neglect cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, vegetable milk and yogurt. It is also recommended not to combine breakfast with absorbing information, so – again – it is better to leave the smartphone or TV for later.

Make a note about yourself

It is meant not just a list of things for the day, but as if a small entry in a personal diary. Write what you think, what is your emotional state, what are your plans. You can also write two things for which you are grateful, and which thing on this day can make you happier.


Many recommend making a lesson plan on day not in the morning, but the evening before. In the morning, it is better to look at this list and think, scroll through in your head what exactly can be implemented from this plan and how.


Get into the habit of cleaning everything surfaces before going to work. In this case, you will not worry about the mess during the day, waiting for additional worries in the tired evening. Clean the work area in the kitchen, the dining table, and also wash the dishes.

Fresh air and exercise

The hardest thing here is to start. You can start with simple walks in the fresh air. Try to get off one stop earlier and walk or bike the rest of the way to work. In case of bad weather, you can simply do some exercises at home – for example, exercise or stretching.

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Author: alex

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