Useful onions and garlic are contraindicated for some people

The doctor reminded that some people may have an intolerance to onions, and in addition, it can cause allergies.

The doctor said in an interview that onions and garlic are useful for their antibacterial effect, which is created due to the action of volatile substances called phytoncides. Thanks to the use of these spicy vegetables, the immunity of the mucous membranes is strengthened.

“If a cold already exists, it will not be possible to cure it with garlic or onions alone, because this is a systemic disease in which the viral load on the entire body occurs. But regular intake of onions or garlic, especially at night, is an excellent general preventive measure,” the doctor explained their beneficial effects.

At the same time, onions and garlic are contraindicated for some people, the doctor noted. In particular, those who are prone to hay fever may experience allergic reactions.

In addition, onion intolerance occurs: it occurs when the body cannot digest the carbohydrate fucose contained in onions. After eating it, bloating and unpleasant symptoms of indigestion occur.

The doctor also added that onions and garlic are contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. The specialist warned that if there is irritation or inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, the potent components of the vegetables will cause negative reactions.

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Author: alex

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