Useful porridge that effectively slows down aging
A balanced low-calorie diet with the “right” plant products helps to improve the production of the protein sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), which is able to increase life expectancy.
Scientists concluded that inclusion in buckwheat diet increases SIRT1 levels. During the experiment, biologists added 30% buckwheat to the diet of experimental rats and studied the effect of the product on their health.
– The results showed that a diet that includes buckwheat groats has a so-called caloric restriction effect, as in this cereal contains a large amount of indigestible fiber. Adding buckwheat to the diet increases the production of SIRT1, explained the author of the study.
Other plant products, for example, vegetables, fruits and nuts, can have a similar effect on the body.
It is also known that that buckwheat is one of the few cereals that contains choline, a vitamin of group B, necessary for the nervous system. There are studies that show that buckwheat, thanks to the high concentration of flavonoids, even reduces the risk of cancer. These substances prevent the reproduction of malignant cells.
If you include buckwheat in your main diet, it will contribute to weight loss. Buckwheat provides the body with proteins, and the feeling of hunger does not appear so quickly. It is known that this porridge without salt and sugar is perfect for unloading days.
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