Useful products that prevent premature aging

To look young and slow down the aging of the body, you need to follow the whole complex advice on maintaining your health. The skin must be protected from direct sunlight, then wrinkles will appear less actively. It is extremely important to establish a regime of sleep and rest, as well as to follow a healthy diet.

Experts named products that have a beneficial effect on the body, as well as products that should be reduced as much as possible.

Harmful products

  • sugar substitutes. We are talking about analogues such as saccharin, aspartame, sucrasite. All these are synthetic substances that will not add health to the body. When heated, aspartame tends to release toxic methanol;
  • sweet sparkling water. Lemonades contain a large amount of sugar, dyes and flavorings. This has a negative effect on the figure, causes the appearance of acne, contributes to the formation of cellulite;
  • baking. Don't overdo it with bakery products either. Excessive consumption of pastries, especially hot ones, can provoke the development of obesity or diabetes;
  • sausages, sausages and other processed meat products. You just need to be more careful with them and not get carried away with such food. It is better to give preference to natural meat, which does not contain artificial substances;
  • doctors also do not recommend indulging in canned foods and alcoholic beverages.

Healthy foods

Anti-aging foods are rich in these nutrients, so you should eat them more often to prolong skin youth and slow down aging:

  • bilberry. It contains a lot of vitamin C, anthocyanins and antioxidants;
  • red orange. It is this type of citrus that is most saturated with useful anthocyanins. You can also pay attention to such exotic fruits as mango and guava;
  • kelp Brown seaweed contains vitamins C and E. if it is unpleasant to use them without dressing, you can add kelp to salads;
  • watermelon. Due to the large amount of water, it hydrates the body well. Watermelon contains a lot of lycopene, which is good for health;
  • avocado. This is a very useful fruit, the pulp of which contains monounsaturated fats and vitamin E;
  • animal meat. Chicken, turkey and lamb are especially useful. But at the same time, it is important to make sure that the animals are raised in healthy, favorable conditions;
  • fish. It is better to give preference to fish grown in wild conditions. Cod, anchovies and sardines will benefit;
  • legumes are one of the main elements of the diet of long-lived people. The peculiarity of legumes is that they are an excellent supplier of fiber, contain many vitamins and nutrients, and also have a balanced composition (on average, beans consist of protein – 21%, complex carbohydrates – 77%, and fats – approximately 2%);< /li>
  • green and herbal teas. They can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • cold-pressed olive oil. This oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • apple. They contain pectin, which helps remove free radicals from the body. It prevents premature aging. Apples also lower cholesterol;
  • garlic. It contains vitamins, enzymes, bioflavonoids – more than two hundred active components in total. Garlic has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, it can support immunity and reduce the risk of developing esophageal cancer.

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Author: alex

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