Useful products turned out to be dangerous for health
Even people who follow a healthy diet occasionally allow to relax and eat something “harmful”. However, not only such food can have unpleasant health consequences, but also products that are traditionally considered useful.
Although the berries are popular in folk medicine for their immune-stimulating properties, sometimes elderberries can cause serious health problems. In particular, unripe or undercooked elderberries can cause nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, warned Chris Airey, MD. According to him, people with autoimmune diseases, as well as pregnant or breastfeeding women, should not use elderberry at all.
A small amount of nutmeg has a beneficial effect on the body, but an excess of this spice can have devastating consequences for health. “2-3 teaspoons [of nutmeg] is enough to die. This is due to myristicin, a toxin that can cause hallucinations, psychosis and even death,” Airy noted.
Tuna is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. But too much tuna in the diet can have the opposite effect on health. As nutritionist Stephanie Gatchet explained, tuna contains potentially toxic levels of heavy metals such as mercury. Frequent consumption of fish can damage the kidneys, the nervous system, and even hinder the development of the brain in a growing fetus.
Forest mushrooms
Of course, they can be natural, but in in some cases even organic, but this does not mean that forest mushrooms are initially useful. As nutritionist Heather Hanks explained, wild mushrooms found in nature can be extremely dangerous. According to researchers, the use of such mushrooms leads to 100 deaths per year worldwide, and thousands more people end up in the hospital with poisoning.
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