Useful tips for housewives in preparing meat dishes
If you think that meat it is a non-perishable product, then you are wrong. Or you are always lucky. In fact, there are useful tips that will help you cook juicy, tender, delicious dishes.
1. In order for the butter not to darken during frying, the frying pan should be lightly greased with oil.
2. If you add an equal amount of finely chopped and slightly fried onions and some raw potatoes to the minced meat, then the cutlets will turn out juicy and tasty.
3. To get a golden crust and prevent juice from leaking out of the cutlets, it is enough to start frying on very high heat and after a minute, switch to medium. After turning the patties over, you need to fry them again for half a minute on high heat, and then on medium heat.
4. If you brush the chops with vinegar and oil marinade 1.5 hours before the start of frying, then they will be soft and juicy. The same advice is suitable for grilled meat.
5. If you put a vessel with water in the oven when baking meat, then the dish will not burn and will not become dry.
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