Vegetables and fruits increase the quality of sleep

The inclusion of a large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet of young people improves the quality of sleep . Scientists from the University of Michigan came to this conclusion.

Young people, whose diet contains a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, complain less often about chronic insomnia. But those who do not receive these products often have difficulties falling asleep or maintaining it at least three times a week for three months or longer.

These are the results of a study by American scientists. The connection between the diet and the quality of sleep was particularly evident in young women.

If the fair sex increased the amount of fruits and vegetables by three or more portions during a three-month period, the probability of improving the quality of sleep and reducing episodes of insomnia in they grew twice.

Scientists discovered a very simple change in nutrition, which radically changes the quality of a person's sleep for the better. It should be noted that the arsenal of means to combat insomnia includes many pharmaceutical drugs from the category of sleeping pills, which have a huge number of harmful side effects.

But fruits and vegetables do not have any side effects, moreover, their active use is associated with not only with improving the quality of sleep, but also with improving other key indicators of human health.

Thousands of studies have proven that an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, human weight, slowing down biological aging and strengthening of immunity.

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Author: alex

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