Video games make kids smarter
Research has shown that children who play favorite video games are smarter than their peers. This is the conclusion reached by scientists from the University of Vermont.
Video games are often considered a waste of time, but in fact they can increase children's intelligence. Research has shown that if children spend three or more hours a day playing games, they do better on cognitive tests and memory tasks than their peers.
So, some games can really use children's intelligence.
Video games have long been associated with violence, anti-social behavior and even decreased intelligence in their users. And now 2,000 teenagers have had their brains scanned as they go through a series of tests measuring reaction speed, problem-solving ability and memory.
Young gamers were found to have higher scores. The scan also showed greater activity in the area of the brain responsible for various cognitive functions.
The study suggests that video games may have cognitive benefits. Today, more than 60% of American and British children do not tear themselves away from set-top boxes and computers.
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