Vitamin D deficiency: An unusual symptom of the condition is named

Also known as “sunshine”, vitamin D performs various functions in the body – from maintaining bone health to helping to create new hair follicles. With a lack of this substance, various symptoms begin to develop, which are often confused with other conditions. One of the most unusual signs is hair loss.

Experts of the Livi medical portal also call this symptom one of the most insidious. Doctors note that not every doctor will suspect a low level of vitamin D in the body of a patient who complains of this condition.

According to research, vitamin D stimulates the work of hair follicles. If the vitamin is deficient, new hair growth may be impaired.

According to the British Journal of Dermatology, vitamin deficiency is also associated with alopecia. For example, a study published in the journal Skin Pharmacology and Physiology found that women who suffered from alopecia or other types of hair loss had low levels of vitamin D.

However, this is not the only sign of vitamin D deficiency. Other symptoms include:

  • frequent illnesses and infections;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • muscle pain;
  • pain in the bones and/or lower back;
  • depression or low mood;
  • slow-healing wounds and injuries.

Vitamin D is fat-soluble a substance produced in the body under the influence of sunlight, and also contained in some products. The latest study by scientists from the University of Surrey and the University of Brighton (Great Britain) showed significant differences between its two forms – D2 and D3.

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Author: alex

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