Vitamins and minerals will help to restore vigor

An unbalanced diet is considered one of the causes of rapid fatigue. The body needs vitamins and minerals to produce energy.

What substances are necessary to avoid energy deficiency and help the body fight fatigue? Rapid fatigue may be associated with a lack of three groups of substances.

Vitamins of group B

With a deficiency of vitamins of group B, the mitochondria in the cells of the body are less able to produce energy, necessary for normal operation. A deficiency of even one vitamin from this family can disrupt the chain of biochemical reactions during which the body receives energy from food. Some studies have linked increased fatigue to vitamin B12 deficiency.

If the diet does not contain enough B vitamins, it can be compensated by taking vitamin supplements. Before doing this, you should consult a doctor.


This metal is involved in more than 300 metabolic reactions in the human body. It is necessary for the normal production of adhesinotriphosphoric acid (ATP) – a universal source of energy for biochemical processes in the human body.

Magnesium deficiency is also associated with chronic inflammatory processes. This element is necessary to protect mitochondria from the negative effects of free radicals. It is noted that magnesium deficiency was observed in people with chronic fatigue.


These substances neutralize free radicals in the body, protecting mitochondria in cells from their negative effects. . In this way, energy production in the body increases.

Different substances serve as antioxidants. They include vitamins C and E, the mineral selenium and coenzyme Q10. These substances are contained in various vitamin supplements, which should be used after consulting a doctor.

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Author: alex

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