Vitamins and trace elements for women: 6 important components

The female body needs certain components, to ensure the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Vitamins, trace elements, minerals and nutrients should be present in every woman's diet.

Vitamin C

One of the most important components for a woman's immunity and beauty. When consuming this vitamin, the immune system will be provided with the necessary strength to resist bacteria and harmful factors. After all, without vitamin C, it is difficult for the body to resist microbes, fight stress, and free radicals. The main sources of the vitamin are products that are usually always in the human diet: tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, kiwi, citrus fruits, strawberries.

Vitamin E

Very important for maintaining the beauty and youth of women. Thanks to it, aging processes are slowed down. As a result, the skin and all systems stay young and healthy longer. In addition, the work of the stomach is supported. It is useful to eat peanut butter, wheat germ, hazelnuts and other nuts, fish oil, seeds. After all, all these products have this component.

Vitamin D

A woman of any age should consume this element. It is especially necessary for the elderly, as it supports the strength and functionality of bones. If there is a lack of vitamin, you need to spend more time in the sun, consume milk, fish, eggs.

Vitamin A

Beta-carotenes, processed into vitamin A, allow bones and soft tissues to become much stronger. Accordingly, the woman's health will be strong. Rich in this substance, apricots, pumpkin, carrots, watermelon and other similar products of bright orange and red color.

Vitamin B6

Often after visiting a gynecologist, women are prescribed to drink course of folic acid or vitamin B6. It is extremely necessary for the female body, and in particular, for the nervous and immune systems. It also improves the production of red blood cells. It is useful to consume more strawberries, watermelons, beans, spinach, cabbage, cereals, eggs – they all contain this component.

Vitamins of group B

And and in general, do not forget about all the vitamins of group B, especially B6 and B12. We have already talked about the first one. But the second is important for metabolism, protein synthesis. Therefore, if a woman trains a lot, she is shown an element. You can find it in full in yogurt, cheese, fish, lean meat, eggs.

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Author: alex

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