Walking improves health, even if it takes minutes
If you walk for one minute periodically throughout the day, it can have a health-improving effect, scientists have stated.
Scientists representing Columbia University have once again drawn the public's attention to a simple and free way to improve health – walking. As ScienceDaily reported, researchers have found that even minute-long periods of walking throughout the day can have a positive effect on blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
Experts note that inactivity has become a mass trend, which was largely contributed to by the past Covid pandemic. Scientists emphasize that sports are ineffective if, for example, a person spends most of the day in a sitting position. They suggest practicing regular physical activity – even if it is short in time.
“If you take five-minute walks every half hour during the working day, this type of activity helps to reduce blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and also leads to improved mood and reduced feelings of fatigue,” the researchers said.
They added that some beneficial effect of walking is felt even if a person walks for one minute – but does it every half hour or hour.
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