“Walking on tiptoes” does not mean “stepping on chickens”: how to say in Ukrainian

Language is not only a means of communication, but also a part of our identity. That is why it is important to take care of its purity and avoid using surzhyk elements.

We suggest you learn about three common tracings from the Russian language, which can be easily replaced by sweet-sounding Ukrainian counterparts. Advice was shared by linguist Oleksandr Avramenko.

  • “Truscoi” means “jogger”. “Jogging” means to walk with a quick step, but not to run. “Walking” means to walk, rolling from side to side, swaying and taking your time.
  • “On tiptoes” – “on tiptoe”. To tiptoe means to walk on the tip of one's toes.  

li>On tiptoe

  • On tiptoe
  • On tiptoe (to stand)
  • On tiptoe (to stand)
  • Using these Ukrainian equivalents, we we not only make our language cleaner, but also emphasize its beauty and richness, noted Avramenko.

    Language is a living organism that is constantly developing. So don't be afraid to use new words and expressions, because that's how we enrich our language and make it more diverse.

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    Author: alex

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