Washing dishes will protect against senile dementia
Researchers have found that even doing routine household chores supports healthy brain in old age. Therefore, washing dishes or cleaning are already good methods of preventing dementia.
Chinese scientists urge older people to maintain physical activity, even just by doing everyday household chores, as this already reduces the risk of developing dementia. Those adults who often ironed clothes, washed the floors and dishes were much less likely to later become victims of the cruel age-related disease that deprives a person of memory, compared to those who preferred to rest at home. According to Chinese experts, the brain gains benefits from any type of physical activity.
By the way, experts have already included such types of exercise as mowing lawns in the category of useful aerobic training. A new study has shown that the more time a person devotes to any kind of exercise, regardless of their intensity, including intellectual activities, the lower the risk of dementia. However, new studies are needed to confirm this. However, the results are encouraging because they show that the simplest lifestyle changes are already beneficial.
Senior dementia is an umbrella term for different types of dementia, the most common of which is Alzheimer's disease. All of them are incurable, there is no medicine even to slow down their development. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of senile insanity at all.
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