Washing with cold water – benefit or harm


cold water is attributed to direct miraculous properties. Allegedly, it also improves the complexion and is useful for the skin. For the sake of such a stunning effect, home-treated fans are ready to shake the cold over the sink every morning. Only it seems that all these torments are in vain. Yes, immediately after washing it can be noticed that the pores became narrower. But this is explained not by the magical properties of water, but only by the natural desire of our body to maintain a constant body temperature, explained dermatologists. The size of the pores depends on the skin type, which is a genetic factor. According to your doctor, it is possible to maintain the minimum width of pores for your skin type by proper care, regular delicate cleaning, as well as professional procedures and cosmetics. Acne, or acne, appear for a number of reasons. For the most part, they are related to the condition of the body – problems in any organs or metabolic processes, explained physicians.

Yes, it is important not only to treat the main problem, but also to pay attention to external care. However, only cold water is not to wash away, experts concluded.

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Author: alex

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