Water, coffee, chocolate: deadly doses of usual products
The wrong” dosage “can turn into a real poison even the usual product, and the usual product,
contain cyanide in their bones. If you bite the bone, you are exposed to cyanic hydrogen. Of course, there will be nothing from a couple of swallowed bones, but it is better not to admire this process. In large doses, it can lead to difficulty in breathing, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm and renal failure, up to death.
The deadly dose of drinking water is only 6-7 liters, experts say. It is after the use of so much fluid of the cell begins to swell, which leads to the appearance of seizures. Hyponatremia is a word that means a lack of salt in the blood. Severe cases of hyponatremia can lead to water intoxication, that is, disease, the symptoms of which include headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination and confused consciousness. Brain swelling can lead to catastrophe.
to poison a person weighing 70 kilograms, 70 cups of coffee will be required. If you drink 3 cups of a drink that invigorates every hour, it will have irreversible consequences, and ultimately death.
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