Ways to help not get distracted from work and do everything faster
work, even the most unpleasant. And this is the hardest thing: the human psyche is so arranged that it pulls us away from the unpleasant. How to concentrate to do everything faster – we find out together.
A wonderful protective mechanism, we are grateful to nature without jokes – because in a certain situation it helps to survive and store ourselves as a person, but what to do if there is no alternative, and you need to concentrate on work so that it, swore, is so much over? There are many ancient, proven methods, although, unfortunately, none of them is universal. We need to try, try and in any case apply a little will.
rhythmic song
It is not necessary to sing well. Many people help to cope with the process improvised, the song imposed on the rhythm of movements about anything, and even better – the process of work itself. It seems like to “paste, stroke in the stack of priests” (interesting, what could this version be applied to?). Such songs help well if you need to perform a lot of monotonous, in a circle of recurrent movements – or if at least part of the processes from the overall work can be combined into these recurrent movements, facilitating their work. Rhythmic singing was used by sailors and bursts, reapers and mowers, manufactories and bakers-in general, this is a proven way. She was one of those who, working at the computer, constantly distracted something outside him, as if physically trying to turn away: she was drawn to correct a stack of books, stroke the cat on the floor, go to drink water.
Oddly enough, it became easier for her when she was put on her knees of a fairly large teddy bear and, if possible, hug it in the process. When you get distracted and turn over, the bear threatens to fall from your knees and reminds you of yourself and why you planted it. In addition, the girl felt calmer, leaning on his head chin when she was thinking about heavy places.
Several different girls later stated that the way was very helpful. And others also helped plush toys, but not so much: they put them under the back, it became more convenient to sit and pull less.It is not necessary to tie social networks in general for all working hours, as they sometimes advise. Many help to go to the social network from time to time (at the end of the chapter that you translate or edit, for example), to get there and return to the workflow – but at the same time strictly close the tabs with social networks in the browser during the process itself and, moreover, disconnect all the messengers and alert. The more often social networks are reminiscent of themselves, the more tempted to check them.Perhaps this method is in some distant affinity with rhythmic singing. There is a theory that people who speak their actions and intentions in the workflow, rarely fall out of the stream, are better concentrated and better cope. However, this method is not suitable if you work in the office. Some of the tricky and pretend to be discussing with colleagues-but it looks far as easy as it might seem.Multicity is a myth. In fact, multitasking is either a combination of a process that has long become a routine, which is worked out by mechanicality, and a process that requires attention, at best. In the worst, it is a constant switch from one problem to another, which gives you another process. In general, do not combine the tasks with each other if possible, do not perform several different processes at the same time, cut parallel work processes into the same connections of the actions and first connect the same type, albeit for different tasks, and then the other-but do not juggle with your attention. More concentrated when, in parallel with the workflow, they make a small repeating movement-they pull their legs, for example, roll the handle on the table back and forth, sorts and so on. Try, maybe it's your case!
Step by step
Try to focus on adding at least small pieces of work done. Another word. And after the word the word. Another centimeter of stitches and then a centimeter. Another wiped shelf. And one more. When you look at the terribly distant result, you can fall in spirit, simply imagining how much you spend, going to it – of course you will want to be distracted. And when you set the goals smaller, just not to stop, but at least you are very surprised how quickly the result goes to meet you.
a file on a primitive that does not take a brain with your hands or walk. As a result, you concentrate better in the workflow than looking at your computer (or a clean canvas or other work space). It is important not to be distracted by talking with people.
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