Ways to use hydrogen peroxide in everyday life that simplify life

hydrogen peroxide, is in every home. It is used, first of all, for disinfection of wounds, cuts, gardens. Did you know about it? If not, take note, share with you some secrets and verification methods of using peroxide.

This remedy is quite inexpensive, so buy it immediately. About stock. However, in the intervals between the replacement, they should be disinfected with bacteria and germs. Therefore, once a week you need to soak in peroxide for 30 minutes, then rinse well with water.

clean the mirror

The mirror in the bathroom is very often contaminated. Soap splashes fly on it, there are prints of baby fingers. Peroxide will help to cope with this. This remedy does not leave divorces and copes well with various contaminants. Even the dirtiest mirror after such treatment will shine with cleanliness.

whiten fingers and nails

after working in the garden or interacting with some painting products such as beets and carrots, fingertips and nails are very difficult to wash. Get the help of peroxide. Soak a cotton swab and wipe your fingers and nails. Immediately notice a great result!To do this, make porridge of peroxide and soda, apply to the stains and leave for 30-40 minutes. After rinsing in clean water and stains will not leave a trace. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/SPOSOBI-ZASTOSUVANNNJA-PEREKISU-VODNJU-U-POBUTI-JAKI-SPROSHUHUJUT-ZHITTJA-5CD2118.jpg” Alt. /

Disinfection of cutting boards

for disinfection of the cutting board after meat is often used hydrogen peroxide. It perfectly disinfects and kills bacteria and germs.

clean the refrigerator

it struggles with yellow plastic, turning its former underwear. And also fights odors.

Disinfection of plastic containers

should be distributed plastic peroxide and left for 30 minutes. Then wash well under the crane. All unpleasant odors disappear.

Love your home and order in it, and you will certainly be happy in it!

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Author: alex

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