We choose salt: which kind is good for health

Salt has played an important role since ancient times in a person's life. This substance contains trace elements that are vital for the normal functioning of the body. However, the salt most people use is processed and has no health benefits.

In fact, during production, table salt is heated to approximately 649°C and treated with caustic soda to remove other minerals. Then substances that prevent caking are added, including aluminum hydroxide. However, some scientists suspect that high levels of this substance in the diet are a possible cause of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, table salt is known for its ability to retain water in the cells of the body, which causes an additional load on the kidneys, and impairs its ability to remove waste products from the blood.

That is why many experts recommend replacing dangerous sodium chloride with a healthier type of salt – Himalayan salt. This salt is mined in deep mines in the form of large crystals. It has a characteristic beautiful pink color and has many health benefits:

  • contains up to 84 different types of minerals in their natural form;
  • helps return the body's pH level to normal range;
  • maintains the necessary level of intracellular water. In its natural state, Himalayan crystal salt does not have such a strong effect on fluid balance as processed sodium chloride;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system. The minerals in Himalayan crystal salt increase nerve conduction, potentially reducing tension and stress;
  • improves muscle function and reduces the frequency of seizures;
  • reduces the risk of kidney problems and cardiovascular disease;
  • Himalayan crystal salt is considered a natural antihistamine.

However, whatever type of salt is used, its amount in the diet should be strictly limited. In particular, according to the Mayo Clinic, you can eat no more than 2.3 g of sodium every day without harming your health. At the same time, it is worth considering that salt is already contained in ready-made products.

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Author: alex

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