We prepare a fragrant casserole from Brussels sprouts and bacon


Caring success when it is well combined. And in this recipe it is. Brussels sprouts very good with fatty bacon. They complement each other. cube-1 pc.;

  • Gauda cheese-20 g;
  • flour.
  • How to prepare

    . You need to reach 200 degrees. Boil Brussels sprouts for 5 minutes in salted water. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Mix with cabbage. Put in a greased form or oil.

    dissolve the broth cube in 250 ml of warm water. If you have a ready -made thickener for the sauce, add it. If not, then thicken with flour.

    pour the cabbage sauce. Rub the cheese and sprinkle the casserole. Put on 20 in the oven. Put the cabbage on a plate and sprinkle with herbs. Delicious!

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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