Western scientists called the positive effect of coffee consumption

Scientists around the world do not stop arguing about or more harm or benefit from regular coffee consumption. This time, experts from Denmark and Portugal spoke about the positive effect of this aromatic drink.

For their research, experts used the method of functional magnetic resonance imaging. As a result of the experiments, scientists found that coffee addicts have a stronger connection between the thalamus and the cerebellum. It is responsible for motility.

In addition, in coffee lovers, increased activity between the cerebellar and subcortical regions was found, which, in turn, influenced an increase in focus on a task, attention, and improved memory and learning abilities.

Western scientists have found the same features in people who are not avid coffee drinkers, but only occasionally drink a cup of coffee.

At the same time, experts believe that such changes brain activity under the influence of this drink is of a short-term nature.

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Author: alex

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