What 2 vinaigrette products will make a “culinary masterpiece”

Problems with vinaigrette preparation are quite rare. The dish is a vegetable mixture seasoned with oil or sauce. It is very difficult to make a mistake when preparing such a simple dish. And yet there is one unpleasant point that many gourmets complain about. It's about the boring taste of the salad.


If you use vinaigrette too often, a person will stop getting the same pleasure from the dish as before.

However, the situation easy to fix. For this, it is enough to use a few additional ingredients.

What to add to the vinaigrette

Such simple and affordable products as milk and sugar will help to noticeably improve the taste of the salad.

In a plate filled with freshly prepared food, it is enough to put 1 tsp. sugar and pour 1 tbsp. l. milk.

At first glance, these ingredients cannot make a vegetable salad tastier. It would seem that the sweet and milky components will only spoil the dish. However, in reality, the effect is the opposite.

A simple procedure will make the vinaigrette much more appetizing. The dish will acquire a mild taste.

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Author: alex

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