What are the benefits and dangers of mineral water

Mineral water has a more sour taste than ordinary water due to the presence of carbon dioxide. But even tap water contains minerals and undergoes certain processing.

Calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and sulfur can often be found in mineral water. These trace elements are essential for some biological functions, including hormone synthesis and the production of enzymes to prevent tooth decay.

Mineral water is extracted from special springs and many people drink it for its therapeutic value. Sometimes mineral water is treated to remove bacteria or toxic substances.

Mineral water strengthens the health of the heart, as it lowers cholesterol levels, and due to magnesium, it also reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Finally, mineral water is an indispensable fat-free supplement with a large amount of fat-metabolizing minerals. So, the use of mineral water helps to fight excess weight.

But it consists not only of advantages. Excessive use of mineral water causes side effects. If the mineral water is in a plastic bottle, there is a risk of transferring chemicals from the plastic to the water.

And this threatens the entry of microplastics into the body. Carbonic acid is present in carbonated mineral water, which causes bloating. There are fewer microbes in mineral water, it does not go through the disinfection process and contains microorganisms. Finally, carbonated mineral water can damage tooth enamel, as a study by scientists from the University of Birmingham showed.

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Author: alex

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