What are the benefits of linseed oil, especially for women

Modern studies have shown that the use of linseed oil reduces stroke risk by 37%. Using linseed oil, you can not be afraid of such terrible diseases as diabetes, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and many others.

In folk medicine, it is used for worms, heartburn, and various ulcers. In terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids, linseed oil surpasses the products of the usual diet, and only 1-2 tablespoons provide the daily need for them. Linseed oil ranks first among edible oils in terms of its biological value.

Flax seeds contain 46% of vitamin F, which is synthesized in the body and is brought in from the outside. Flaxseed oil contains valuable unsaturated acids and a large amount of vitamins A and E. Flaxseed oil contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and other biologically active substances necessary for a healthy diet. >The most important components of linseed oil are fatty acids:

  • alpha-linolenic acid – 60% (Omega-3);
  • linoleic acid – 20% ( Omega-6);
  • oleic acid – 10% (Omega-9);
  • other saturated fatty acids – 10%.

If Omega-6 is present, in addition to linseed, in sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, mustard, olive oil, then Omega-3 fatty acids are in sufficient quantity only in fish oil and – in linseed oil. This is the uniqueness of linseed oil, hence its specific smell, so similar to fish oil. This is an indicator of the high quality of the oil, its purity, as well as proof that it has not been mixed with other oils.

How is linseed oil useful, especially for women

Flax (Linum usitatissimum)

Daily use of linseed oil contributes to:

  • prevention of heart attacks, stroke and myocardial infarction (reduction of the load on the heart and blood vessels due to a decrease in blood viscosity and normalization of fat levels);
  • a decrease in blood pressure; reducing the risk of developing breast and rectal cancer;
  • reducing the frequency of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes. Flaxseed oil is an important element of a woman's diet, its use contributes to: alleviating the course of premenstrual syndrome and premenopause;
  • improving the condition of skin and hair;
  • strengthening the nervous system; kidney function in case of edema;
  • increasing visual acuity;
  • relieving and treating asthma.

Flax oil can be used both in its pure form and mixed with other vegetable oils, can be mixed with honey, fruit or syrup.

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Author: alex

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